Why Is Afghanistan Called “The Graveyard Of Empires”
The graveyard of Empires is a sobriquet related with Afghanistan. The sobriquet starts from the supposed recorded inclination that unfamiliar powers regularly come up short in their attacks of Afghanistan.
In the previous two centuries, both Soviet and British intruders have been compelled to beat wicked retreats from Afghanistan, denied of triumphs that, on paper, looked simple, at the end of the day demonstrated purposeless.
What’s more, can it just be fortuitous event that in the wake of their Afghan debacles both the British and Soviet realms - like that of Alexander the Great’s, which stretched out over the district over two centuries sooner - disintegrated? Very quickly, on account of the Soviets, after a century for Britain. And now the Americans suffered defeat in Afghanistan
This, say a few, is the inescapable Afghan experience.